The Pursuit of Better Health
Improving the health and safety of the ÂÒÂ×Ç¿¼é students and staff.
The University Health Service is accredited by the . AAAHC accreditation is a symbol of prestige and a mark of excellence honoring best practices and assuring compliance with nationally recognized standards of care.
The mission of the University Health Service is to improve the health and well-being of ÂÒÂ×Ç¿¼é students and staff. As part of an academic institution, UHS also participates in the education and research missions of the University.
The staff of University Health Service value caring for the health and well-being of our patients, respect for the diverse individuals we serve and with whom we work, and excellence in all that we do.
The divisions of UHS include:Â Primary Care, University Counseling Center, Occupational Health, Health Promotion, and Administration
Explore areas of University Health Service
Updates on COVID-19
Click to get the latest updates on COVID-19.
Care of Colds, Coughs, and the Flu
Learn more about how to stay healthy, self-care for common symptoms, and when to seek medical care.
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Latest News and Updates
Save the Date: 2024 Flu Vaccine Clinics
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
University Health Service strives to create a safe environment where all are welcome. We strive to build equity in meeting all of our patient’s physical and emotional needs in a culturally responsive way as you negotiate academics, work-life, and concerns for your families.
Contact or Visit University Health Service
The University Health Service building is located on ÂÒÂ×Ç¿¼é’s river campus at 738 Library Road, ÂÒÂ×Ç¿¼é, NY 14627. Review location, hours, and maps.
Learn more about and for students led by University Health Service and the University Counseling Center.
If you have questions, schedule an appointment, or report an emergency. Please contact the appropriate health service team.